How many bags can we purchase at once?
Bags can be purchased in multiples of 100. Please contact our CLYNK to Give Consultant at 1.866.228.8454 Mon.-Fri., 9am-5pm to order.
How do we pay for our bags?
Bags are automatically deducted from your account when ordered. Each box of 100 bags costs $17.50 plus tax, if applicable. They are sold to your organization at cost.
How do we view our balance?
You will be able to view your balance online with the username and password provided at sign-up.
Are there any fees?
A check processing fee of $4.95 will be deducted from your quarterly check amount.
How do we receive our money?
A check will be issued each quarter for your accumulated balance. We only issue checks for accounts with a balance of $50 or more. If you do not have the minimum balance, you will not be charged the $4.95 fee and your balance will be carried over into the next quarter.
Can we convert a personal or business account to a CLYNK to Give account?
Yes, you can. Please call 1.866.228.8454 and we will be happy to make the change.